Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Father of the House

Eric, the youngest son, Rich my husband and Joey his second to his sons.

And now the awaiting is over, the Father's day of 2012. Joey, his eldest, and I were talking about if their have plans for the Father's Day or if their dad planning for something. He said nothing. But him and his brother are planning to have a breakfast in iHop or somewhere in our place. I ask also my husband if he has plan for the Father's Day or he heard something from his children. And he said he doesn't know. It seems like there was a conspiracy happening around here for the Father's Day but it is not a big deal to celebrate it.  But I know it is kinda' different for my husband because his teenager sons were working in a pizza place. And there are times my husband teasing his sons to treat him for at least a breakfast. So that's it! Because his sons are still new on their job they do not have definite schedules so we keep asking their schedules so Friday we found out now how are we going to do. Breakfast in iHop. Ooopss, my husband work tour changes also from morning to night time. So the final date and time still Sunday and morning which is breakfast. 

Before those things, I am also planning for the gift. Though I am not working or earning money but I used my talent for his gifts. Yes, gifts using crafts. But and unfortunately the other gift that I supposed to do I didn't pursue due to no tumbler in Michaels and no money..ooohhh.. So I still continue that most awaited project I wanted to do. Actually, this is my second project for wall home decor. And my gift was a picture frame or father's day frame for my husband. His picture 2006 on our wedding and a saying of "Anyone can be a Father. It takes someone special to be a daddy". I got the idea of adhering or layering the message by lines and putting the pictures and message from the graduation frame itself. When I am buying a frame for a wedding that I am doing also that graduation frame caught my attention. And I said I will use this frame for a project. And good that time this graduation frame was still in Michaels and SALE! So everything collaborated from different output. Friday I ask Eric to sign up on the frame and Joey I already told me after the project was done.

Well, during I am doing that gift and when I bought the graduation frame my husband was with me. He drove me going to Michaels. And he keep asking a question what are we going to buy. Until I answer him honestly. So he knows it already and seen the frame. And also while I am designing the message to picking up the font style to cutting and adhering he keeps on going to our bedroom. So, a little bit he has idea what's my gift. But surprisingly, he has no idea about the picture I am going to display. 

I showed to Joe when the project was done. He was happy and comment about the picture first. It is a lot of difference now about his father figure. And also he really stare on the project or fonts that I adhered. And after that, I ask him to sign it.

Then Friday night, the first night tour of my husband in USPS I designed again the card that I will put on top of the gift wrap. I use the circular advertisements as a gift wrap. From the Silhouette Cameo online store I search what border I am going to use. But what happen I designed my own card. I use the BRACKET symbol and choose the desired font. And add square on both sides to connect the two brackets. Use the Trace and Offset command to make it a whole shape and voila! I made it and I have my own design again in Silhouette Cameo.

Sunday morning, when my husband came and everyone is ready and before we leave the apartment I hand him the gift and he was surprised about the picture. He likes it and he likes it most when he saw his sons greetings at the back of the frame.

Now the Father's Day frame was displayed for the meantime at the corner of the living room. Left corner and side of the tv. 

I love you husband.

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